Don’t Forget: This is an Important Week to Fight Assisted Suicide in Vermont!
Thursday, March 3:
9 AM: Tune in to the Mark Johnson Show on WDEV Radio: FM 96.1/ AM 550 or listen live at Call in and express your opposition to assisted suicide. 1. It will lead to elder abuse. 2. In Oregon it has been associated with an increase in suicides among those who are not terminally ill. 3.It is much cheaper than six months of hospice care or life extending treatment; we already know of two cases in Oregon in which people with insurance have received notification that the chemotherapy they wanted and which had been recommended by their doctors would not be covered but that assisted suicide would be. 4.It devalues the lives of the disabled. Just yesterday, a quadriplegic friend told us how horrible it makes him feel to hear people say they would rather kill themselves than ever need help in toileting . He has needed help in toileting for years, but he is a fully contributing member of society. He wonders whether the people who would rather die than be like him want him to be dead too.
12:30 PM at the Middlebury Theater and 6:30 PM at the Mark Skinner Library in Manchester (directions below): Attend pro-assisted suicide events to express your opposition. These events feature George Eighmey, an Oregon activist who has presided at many assisted suicides, including that of Lovelle Svart, which was documented on film and audio (see the post immediately below). We need people to go to these meetings and express the reasonable and civil opposition of Vermont citizens to legalizing assisted suicide in our state.
The Middlebury Theater is right on the Green in the Center of Middlebury.
Mark Skinner Library is at the junction of West and Main Streets. Take West Street to access the parking lot.