There is an online poll question in the Lowell (Massachusetts) Sun asking: Would you be in favor of Massachusetts legalizing physician-assisted suicide? Please vote NO.
You will find the poll question at: Scroll down to “Today’s Question” (in the center column and a long way down from the top) and vote NO. We are ahead, but this poll has not been up long enough to know what the final result will be. Remember that, though these are not official polls, politicians do look at them and may be influenced.
The poll at is also still open. Please vote NO if you haven’t already, to the question in the center of the page, under “From the Blog”. The question is; “Pollster: Should the Vermont Legislature pass a death-with-dignity law to allow terminally ill patients to end their lives?” We are ahead but not by as much as we were yesterday and not by as much as we should be. If you have friends who would vote NO, please alert them.