Today the front page of the Bennington Banner featured an Associated Press story highlighting two different perspectives on assisted suicide legislation in Vermont. The story titled “Vt. man has unique view on end-of-life debate,” exhibits a euthanasia supporter in Vermont. It explains that an avid cheerleader for legalizing assisted suicide in Vermont, Terrence Youk, is the brother of a man euthanized by Jack Kevorkian. His brother’s death by euthanasia at the hands of Kevorkian (the death was also videotaped by Kevorkian) is the actual act of euthanasia that sent Kevorkian to prison. Terrence Youk believes that Kevorkian performed “a service” when he euthanized his brother. This article exhibits what we have known all along; that euthanasia supporters are among those pushing for the legalization of assisted suicide in our state.