1. March 1: This is Town Meeting day. The polls will be open from 7AM-7PM for voting on local issues. There will also be an opportunity to take part in the Doyle poll. Please vote NO on Question #3: “Should Vermont legalize physician-assisted suicide?” This poll is often cited as an important indicator of public opinion in Vermont, and there is a strong chance that it will influence our lawmakers.
2. March 3: Assisted suicide will be one of the topics of discussion on the Mark Johnson Show, which is broadcast on WDEV, AM 550/ FM96.1 from 9-11 AM. Please call in and tell Mark Johnson, his guests, and the audience that you do not want assisted suicide to be legal in our state. The call-in numbers for the program are 802-244-1777 in central Vermont and 877-291-8255 toll-free.
3. Pro-assisted suicide forces are holding forums around the state. Please go to the one nearest you and take your friends along. We need a strong presence against assisted suicide. Here is the schedule of events:
Wednesday, March 2nd:
• 6:30 pm – St. Albans Historical Museum, 9 Church St. 3rd fl (enter through rear of building – elevator available)
Thursday, March 3:
• 12:30 pm – Middlebury Town Hall Theatre – 68 South Pleasant (Merchant’s Row – on the Green)
• 6:30 pm – Manchester – Mark Skinner Library in Manchester Center – 48 West Rd, just off 7A
Friday, March 4th:
• 6:30 pm – Hardwick Memorial Building, 3rd Fl. – 20 Church St. – elevator available at Police Dept entrance. Others enter through main door and go up the stair.
Thanks to all who are working tirelessly to stop the threat of legal assisted suicide in Vermont.